Human Foods That Dogs Can Safely Eat

10 Human Foods That Dogs Can Safely Eat

As a pet parent, you must know precisely what human foods your furry friend can and cannot eat. 
The reason is that sometimes you can offer your dog food with all the best intentions, and your canine develops health issues.
So, to prevent such cases from happening, we compiled a list of the ten human foods you can give your canine and those you shouldn’t.
Read on to learn more...



Whether hard-boiled or scrambled, cooked eggs don’t pose any risk to your dog. They are an ideal source of many nutrients that will immensely benefit your canine.

For instance, the egg white contains amino acids; the egg yolk has vitamins like vitamins B-12, A, and E. 

Additionally, egg shells provide your dog with minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, etc.

Even with all the benefits eggs provide, a single egg contains between 62- 70 calories. Hence it would help if you feed them to your dog in moderation.

You may also want to avoid giving your mutt raw eggs, as they may lead to salmonella infection.

Some of the symptoms of salmonella infection include

  • Fever
  • Diarrhea 
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea 
  • Weight loss will be due to fluid loss.

Rush your dog to the vet clinic immediately if you suspect he has a salmonella infection for quick treatment.


Packed with magnesium, fiber, potassium, vitamins B6, and vitamin C, bananas are a healthy treat for your furry friend.

You can add mashed bananas to your canine’s food and offer sliced bananas as a treat or reward during training.

However, it’s worth noting that bananas contain a lot of sugar. Thus it’s best to offer it once in a while, especially if your dog is obese or has diabetes.

Tip: You can fill small tins with mashed bananas, freeze them and use them as summertime treats for your loyal friend. Frozen banana slices can also serve the same purpose.


Carrots are delicious and highly nutritious. You can feed your dog raw or cooked carrots as they will provide your mutt with essential nutrients that include 

  • Calcium
  • Iron 
  • Biotin
  • Lutein
  • Vitamin B6 
  • Potassium 
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K1
  • Vitamin A 

Additionally, numerous studies have proven that chewing on carrots strengthens your dog’s teeth. 

Given carrots’ low amounts of calories, you can offer them to your dog more often than other human foods.

Be careful when feeding carrots to puppies, as they can easily get choked by the food.

Tip: Frozen carrots are excellent dog chews and can even serve as puppy teething aids, though you must supervise to avoid choking.

Peanut Butter

Delicious snack humans enjoy, peanut butter is also a wonderful treat for your dog.

Ensure you get the unsalted, plain peanut butter; you also have to check the ingredient list to confirm the products don’t have fillers or artificial sweeteners.

The one ingredient you should watch out for is xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is particularly toxic to mutts.

Peanut butter can be a training treat, especially when training your dog. It also contains proteins, vitamins B and E, and healthy fats.

However, given peanuts butter’s rather high-calorie content, it’s best to offer it in moderation.

You should also check to confirm if your dog is allergic to peanut butter, as some are.


Dogs love eating chicken; no wonder it’s a primary ingredient in most dog foods.

Moreover, chicken has a lot of nutritional benefits that will improve your dog’s overall wellbeing. 

Some of the nutrients chicken contain include

  • Proteins
  • Zinc
  • Iron 
  • Copper 
  • Tryptophan
  • Vitamin B12

Research has also proven that chicken can help manage weight since it’s protein-rich. 

The studies state that foods with a lot of protein make your dog feel fuller while eating less.

As a result, it drastically reduces the chances of dogs becoming overweight and helps obese dogs shed off the extra pounds.

You can offer your dog cooked chicken, though it shouldn’t have extra salt or any form of flavoring. 

Also, ensure you remove all the bones from the chicken; bones pose a health risk.


Cooked fish like tuna, cod, and salmon are enjoyable and safe treats for your furry friend.

Rich in proteins, fatty acids, and collagens, fish offer a wide variety of health benefits to your pup’s immune system and coat.

What’s more, fish is hands down delicious and has an appealing scent that your dog will surely enjoy.

It is worth noting that there are some types of fish that dogs cannot eat. 

Especially those that live long, since they accumulate heavy metals such as mercury in their system, which is toxic to dogs.

The types of fish you shouldn’t feed your dog include:

  • Tilefish
  • Swordfish 
  • Albacore tuna fish
  • King Mackerel
  • Shark

Don’t forget to remove all the bones, as they may choke your dog or injure his esophagus. 

In addition, steer clear of feeding raw fish, for it may contain harmful parasites.


Considered superfoods by humans, blueberries are also a sweet, nutritious treat for your loyal friend.

High in antioxidants, fiber, minerals, and vitamins, blueberries offer your dog more health benefits than a lot of fruits combined.

Studies have shown that the antioxidants blueberries contain help detoxify your canine’s liver and aid brain function.


Despite common belief, dogs can eat cheese. However, they can only do so with a lot of moderation. Thus, you can offer small bits of cheese occasionally.

However, you will have to check with your vet to confirm your dog has lactose intolerance.

Cheese has lactose, and if your dog is allergic, he may develop digestive upsets. 

Offer your canine tiny bits of cheese and watch out for any adverse reactions. 


Honey is famous among humans and many wild animals, but did you know it’s safe for dogs?

Some studies have also suggested that honey benefits canines with skin conditions or preexisting allergies, though research is still ongoing.

Note that honey contains a lot of sugar; thus, you should offer it to your dog once in a while.


Love watching movies with your furry friend? Then you’ll be happy to know that you can also enjoy movie snacks like popcorn together.

Popcorn has minerals such as manganese, magnesium, and zinc, which immensely boost your dog’s health.

However, unlike us, dogs shouldn’t eat salted or sugared popcorn. Instead, they can only eat plain popped popcorn.

Check that your dog eats fully popped popcorn to avoid chances of choking, especially with puppies.



Even though avocados have become a common feature in many human diets, you should never give your dog avocados.

Avocados contain persin, a substance that’s highly toxic to canines. Persin consumption can cause breathing difficulties, vomiting, diarrhea, and death.

Macadamia nuts

Macadamia nuts should never make an appearance in your dog’s diet. 

Dogs that eat these nuts suffer from swollen limbs, muscle weakness, lethargy, and vomiting.


Your dog should never take alcohol. Apart from intoxication, alcohol consumption can result in symptoms such as nervous system damage and ethanol poisoning.

Keep away products like mouth wash or any other product that may contain even tiny traces of alcohol from your dog.


While you enjoy your tasty chocolate bar, sharing some with your loyal friend can be tempting. However, you shouldn’t.

Chocolate is highly poisonous to mutts and can cause symptoms like seizures, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of morale.

Pet food stores have healthy dog chocolate treats if you want to give your dog chocolate.

Onions and garlic

Raw, dry, or cooked onion and garlic harm dogs.

If your dog mistakenly eats onions or garlic, he may develop stomach pain, diarrhea, gastrointestinal irritation, and vomiting.

Moreover, onions and garlic can negatively affect your canine’s red blood cells, leading to anemia.


Xylitol is a chemical sweetener found in many foods, including baked goods, sugar-free foods, and some types of peanut butter.

When ingested, xylitol can lead to liver failure, hypoglycemia, and death if not treated early enough.

Therefore, you should always check the ingredient label before feeding your dog any product.


Veterinary doctors consistently recommend including probiotics in your dog’s diet, and with good reason.

Probiotics contain healthy bacteria that, when they enter your dog’s system, they 

  • Enhance digestion
  • Fasten absorption of nutrients 
  • Detoxify your dog’s liver
  • Prevent allergic reactions 
  • Reduce intestinal inflammation 

Additionally, probiotics make your dog more active and reduce stress.

Off all the probiotic supplements on the market, Safe Guard has proven to be more effective in enhancing a dog’s wellbeing.

Safe Guard contains sufficient amounts of healthy bacteria such as Enterococcus faecium and Bifidobacterium breve, which fight the toxic bacteria.

Include Safe Guard probiotic supplements in your dog’s food to help boost digestion and strengthen immunity.

Final word

We hope you understand what your furry friend can or cannot eat. 

However, remember to offer human foods in moderation, as excessive consumption of healthy foods can also lead to stomach problems.