Pet owners that are browsing the web looking for supplements for their dog’s gastrointestinal tract are bombarded by tons of information, true or not, regarding pre- and probiotics. Many will notice that there are several different brands and types of supplements for probiotics. These usually include the traditional Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genus types versus the soil-based organism (SBO) probiotics. Besides delving into what a soil-based probiotic is, this article will also explain whether SBO probiotics are best for dogs versus the traditional supplements.
How do probiotics work?
Probiotics work by interacting with the stomach’s natural microbiota; this good, new bacteria helps by creating health-promoting metabolites and microbiome. This interaction with the gut’s pre-existing microflora will improve the gastrointestinal tract’s ability to digest food and nutrients and most importantly, have healthy bowel movements. Having a healthy GI tract has been proven to help reduce the chances of digestive disorders, boost the immune system, and help improve mental health.
What is a soil-based probiotic?
Soil-based probiotics are a supplement with bacteria that are derived from dirt and soil. This is where we and our pet’s bodies have naturally obtained probiotics for many millennia. After all, it isn’t uncommon to see our dogs eating grass or dirt, this is their way of getting those soil-based organisms into their systems. Providing these organisms in a supplement form will enhance their immune health, and prevent and treat acute or chronic diarrhea, all while diversifying the gut’s microbiome.
The most common bacteria seen used in soil-based probiotics, like the brand Safe Guard, are Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus coagulans There are several Bacillus genus strains, but these two are the most common. B. coagulans will crowd out unwanted or unhealthy bacteria and is also a great anti-inflammatory which is why it works so well to improve inflammatory digestive issues. B. subtilis was used as an early treatment for urinary tract infections before antibiotics were created. It is found readily in the gut of healthy dogs and produces an antibody (IgA) that is often in lower levels in dogs with autoimmune disorders. B. subtilis has a marked improvement in bolstering the immune system and improving the gut lining.
These SBOs work in this same fashion as the bacteria in traditional probiotics, only they are stronger thanks to their protective spore-forming outer shell. Because of this, they are able to withstand the stomach’s acids and antibiotics as well as extreme heat, making it further along in their journey through the GI tract. Distributors also appreciate its much longer shelf-life over traditional probiotics.
Are soil-based probiotics best for my dog?
While soil-based probiotics, for several reasons, would be the top pick for a daily GI health supplement, they may not be what works best for everyone. Everyone’s body, including your pet’s, is different from every other person or dog on earth, like a fingerprint. Your pooch’s stomach and microbiomes are completely unique to them, which is what makes supplementing a little delicate sometimes. While noting that SBOs can help improve one’s immune system, it is important to know that if your pet has a history of very low immunity, you should ask your veterinarian before starting a soil-based organism probiotic.
Some dogs would be best suited to take SBOs because they have a lactose intolerance that would be aggravated by the traditional Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium types which are derived from dairy.
Soil-based organisms have been used to ferment food for hundreds of years and humans and animals alike have evolved with these bacteria throughout time. Because of this, they play a very important role in your gut’s community of microbiomes. These good bacteria can help boost the immune system as well as decrease or eliminate diarrhea in patients with known IBS.
Besides having issues with lactose, most dogs benefit from the SBOs because it acts quickly and the results are seen within a few days. As opposed to other probiotics, which can take weeks to see any results or improvement.
Introducing "Safe Guard"
Using our Safe Guard supplement is certainly a safe bet. They use the two types of bacteria mentioned above; Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus coagulans. These strains are highly researched and very frequently the main bacterial ingredient in SBO probiotics.
Safe Guard has also incorporated two other soil-based ingredients, Fulvic and Humic acid into the supplement, only adding to its overall benefits. This duo will improve the absorption of nutrients and aid in digestion. Fulvic acid, which is released into the ground as organic matter breaks down, will specifically aid in the absorption of nutrients and is a natural source of pre- and probiotics as well as an anti-inflammatory. Humic acid is rich in minerals and most importantly, trace minerals, that are hard to obtain from a daily diet.
Eating dirt won’t cut it
It’s unfortunate that we spray so many parts of the planet with pesticides and fertilizers as well as other harmful products. These chemicals actually destroy and kill the soil’s important and healthy organisms. This is why just eating some dirt here and there won’t suffice in providing your pet with the most accurate dose of SBOs.
Adding Safe Guard to your dog’s daily regimen can be a huge benefit to your pet’s overall health. Providing your dog with Safe Guard’s probiotics will not only aid in the production of healthy bowel movements and improve the immune system but has been proven to boost their overall mental health and reduce anxiety. Having a happy tummy will mean a happy dog!