How diatomaceous earth is the best dog and puppy dewormer

How Diatomaceous Earth is the best dog and puppy dewormer

What if there was a chemical-free way to deworm your pups and dogs? Well, there is, and it’s called diatomaceous earth.

In this article, we define diatomaceous earth, how it works, and list reasons why numerous experts regard it as the best dog and puppy dewormer. 

You will also get tips on how to use diatomaceous earth safely.

Let us begin...

What is diatomaceous earth?

Diatomaceous earth is a powdery substance made from fossils of marine life and aquatic organisms (Diatoms, single-celled algae).

The marine fossils are ground into what resembles fine white powder, somewhat like baking powder. However, if you look at the powder under a microscope, the tiny particles look like shards of glass.

The white powder is deadly to worms and insects, and it gets this ability due to its immense silica content. 

There are two categories of silicon dioxide or silica and different types of diatomaceous earth. 

They are

  • Crystalline silica- a toxic version that is mainly used in pool filters
  • Amorphous silica- harmless version manufacturers use in making food-grade D.E, which can be used by people and pests internally or externally.

Before we look at the benefits of diatomaceous earth, we must understand what type of worms infest dogs and the signs that your dog has them.

What type of worms affects dogs?

Five types of worms mainly affect dogs, namely.

  • Hookworms
  • Roundworms
  • Whipworms
  • Tapeworms
  • Heartworms

Symptoms your dog has worms

Weight loss

Tapeworms and whipworms usually feed on the nutrients in a dog’s stomach. Weight loss can occur even if your dog has increased appetite.

However, sometimes weight loss could also indicate other health problems.

Worms in fecal matter

If you notice small moving substances in your dog’s stool, that may indicate roundworms or tapeworms.

Dull coat

Healthy dogs have a bright and shiny fur coat; when your dog starts having dull skin, he may have worms in his system.

In addition, your pup may develop rashes and hair loss.

Rubbing his bottom on the ground.

Scooting is majorly a sign of anal glands, but in some cases, there may be worms in these areas. 

Moreover, your dog could start licking or biting his behind to try and relieve the irritation the worms are causing.

The emergence of a pot belly

You may notice your pups develop enlarged bellies primarily caused by roundworms.

Benefits of diatomaceous earth to dogs

Below are reasons why diatomaceous earth is considered the best dewormer

Kills intestinal worms

Studies have proven diatomaceous earth can efficiently get rid of hookworms, roundworms, pinworms, and whipworms from a dog’s body. 

You may even start noticing improvements after five to seven days of daily feeding.

However, for diatomaceous earth to be more effective, experts recommend feeding it to your canine for at least thirty days. This is because diatomaceous earth doesn’t eradicate worm eggs.

It has no harmful chemicals.

Unlike other deworming methods, diatomaceous earth has no chemicals (it is made of purely organic materials) which could harm your pup or dog’s body by causing side effects like

  • Loss of appetite
  • Excessive salivation
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

aids in detoxification

Apart from eradicating worms from your dogs’ internal organs, diatomaceous earth also acts as a colon cleanser.

The substance can absorb toxic substances such as

  • Endotoxins
  • Proteinaceous toxins from intestines; drug residues, and E-coli
  • Methyl mercury
  • Organophosphate pesticide residues

It’s a food supplement.

Diatomaceous offers your dog plenty of nutrients that enhance his heath. The minerals are

  • Selenium
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Sodium
  • Iron
  • Phosphorous 
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium

Research has also shown that diatomaceous earth can enhance cholesterol levels.

Other benefits of diatomaceous earth

Gets rid of external parasites

External parasites such as ticks, lice, and mites also harm your furry friend.

Diatomaceous earth effectively eliminates all of these parasites from your canine’s body.

The powder doesn’t work like traditional pesticides to get rid of the parasites, which attack a parasite’s nervous system. 

Instead, the sharp glass-like particles of diatomaceous earth cut through the parasite’s exoskeleton. 

Once the powder pierces through the protective coating, it absorbs the fats, water, and oils from the parasites system. As a result, the parasite gets dehydrated and dies.

It can serve as a deodorizer.

If your pup starts to develop a stinky smell, you can sprinkle diatomaceous earth on his coat, then brush it after two to three hours.The powder can neutralize your dog’s odors.

In addition, you can also sprinkle the dust on a smelly carpet area, leave it there for some hours, then sweep or vacuum it off.

The same applies to your kitchen trash can or sweaty gym shoes.

Garden pest control

If you have a backyard garden, your pup will get most of the worms or parasites from there.

You can prevent this by sprinkling diatomaceous earth all-around your garden. It is harmless to your dog but will kill

  • Ticks
  • Armyworms
  • Bed bugs
  • Snails
  • Spiders
  • Termites 
  • Cockroaches
  • Ants
  • Caterpillars
  • Beetles
  • Fruit flies

Ensure you apply the powder repeatedly as it may be washed away by rainwater.

Diatomaceous earth dosage for pups and dogs

For internal use

  • Small dogs or puppies – ½ a teaspoon a day
  • Medium-sized dogs (50 lbs. and below)- one teaspoon a day
  • Large dogs (above 50 lbs.)- one tablespoon a day
  • Giant dogs (above 100lbs) – two tablespoons a day

For better results, serve the powder with food, ideally raw food. Also, you can moisten the powder with water or chicken broth.

For external diatomaceous use, rub the powder on your dog’s fur, starting from the tail and moving upwards. Ensure you pull the hair back so the powder reaches the skin.

There is no exact dosage for external application. Apply till you feel it’s enough. If you observe that the dog is covered with powder, you may have applied too much.

While applying, avoid the mouse, eyes, and nose as it may irritate the mucous membranes.

You can also sprinkle the powder on your dog’s beddings to kill parasites and remove smells.

Cautions you need to take while using Diatomaceous earth.

It would be best if you only used the food-grade diatomaceous earth. Only go for those made particularly for pets since those made for humans could have additional ingredients.

When inhaled, the powder can trigger lung irritation. Therefore you need to be cautious not to inhale any of it.

In some instances, diatomaceous earth can dry your dog’s skin. Once you notice dryness, wash your pup using a conditioner or shampoo.

Final thoughts

To say that diatomaceous earth is an effective dog dewormer would be an understatement. 

However, talking to a veterinary doctor before beginning any applications is always beneficial so that he can observe your pup.

Apart from diatomaceous earth, there are other supplements you can include in your dog’s diet. 

A good example is Safe Guard, which provides your dog with nutrients, boosts his immunity, and aids in detoxification.