Liver disease in dogs: what are causes can probiotics be helpful – using our Safeguard probiotic powder for canines
Liver Disease in dogs: what can be some of the causes?
Liver and gallbladder conditions and diseases in canines can happen. There are many different chemicals, medications, infections, toxins and liver diseases that could cause a problem for your canine’s liver and gallbladder or bile duct area—can also be an issue with the pancreas. Sometimes there are also conditions that cause unknown reasons for the liver or gallbladder to have a problem and these are considered idiopathic hepatic problems.
Problems that cause liver issues:
- Hepatitis
- Diabetes
- Cholestasis (can cause liver issues, if gallbladder is failing, or has stones)
- Pancreatitis (could be inflamed if biliary duct is blocked from a gallbladder or liver issue; pancreas enzyme could be high as well: lipase and amylase)
- Leptospirosis
- Cushing’s syndrome
- Tumors on the liver
- Heart worm infections
- Chemicals can cause liver toxicity (lead, iron, selenium, arsenic, phosphorous, carbon tetrachloride, certain plants can also cause chemical toxicity in dog’s: ragwort, algae, some mushrooms)
- Medications that can cause liver toxicity in a dog (some antibiotics, antifungals, diuretics, dewormers, testosterone, anesthetic gases, corticosteroids, analgesics, and anticonvulsants)
Canine symptoms for hepatic issues
If your dog has a liver condition that is creeping up on them, they may show signs and symptoms of this going on. They symptoms can many times be other conditions as well. Either way, if your dog is displaying these signs below, get them to a veterinarian for evaluation and blood work. Always check your dog, keep notes, and collect a stool sample if you can.
Signs and symptoms your dog may have a liver issue:
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Weakness or lack of energy
- Depression
- Vomiting and stomach pain
- Increased thirst and urination
- Jaundice
Can probiotics help your dog with liver conditions?
Yes, probiotics can help your dog if they suffer from a liver condition. However, this doesn’t mean that probiotics are the only treatment to follow. Your dog should be under the care of a trusted veterinarian in your area. There may be other supplements or medications to treat the condition. Probiotics can be used as a supplement to boost wellness and help address a better liver function.
Do probiotics help liver function?
There are different probiotic strains that can help improve your canine’s liver function and healthier digestion and a better GI tract.
The strains that can be beneficial for your dog include:
- Bifidobacterium
- Lactobacillus
- Streptococcus
- Use them individually or find a combination chew or powder
More studies however need to be done on canines using probiotics. They shouldn’t be used as a sole treatment for any canine hepatic disorder or disease as they should be only used as a supplement to help GI health that could be of some benefit for healthier liver function. Each liver condition a dog has has a root cause—for example: your dog might have an infection and needs antibiotics, might benefit from fish oil and a probiotic. However, sometimes antibiotics need an anti-fungal because of candida overgrowth, again your dog could benefit from a probiotic once again.
It has been noted, many veterinarians agree that a daily probiotic is beneficial for gut health for your canine. Talk to an alternative doctor of veterinary medicine or someone that is accredited and looks at options for a more natural approach to healing for canine liver disorders—see what their opinion is on increasing dose or using certain probiotics for liver conditions.
Detox and eat healthier—Foods that can help while having a liver problem
Detoxing is important for canines with liver conditions or a liver disease. It is best they are on a low protein and high fat diet. This helps in the healing of inflammation. Fish oil or fatty acids are essential to promote healing, as well as consuming daily probiotics for general GI health. Flaxseed oil is another option if your dog doesn’t like the fish taste. Chicken and fish (sardines, salmon, and cod) are the healthiest foods to consume for your dog in a liver disease issue—also eggs are great too!
When dogs have a liver disease they shouldn’t consume any foods high in salt or copper.
Avoid giving these foods to your dog with liver issues:
- Foods high in copper or salt
- Lamb
- Duck
- Pork or ham
Your dog should be eat foods high in these, if they have liver problems:
- Methionine
- Cysteine
- Taurine
- Selenium
- Omega-3
- Zinc
- Vitamin B6
- Phosphorous
- Vitamin D
- Iron
Study done on liver function in healthy dogs while using probiotic enterococcus faecium
Probiotics were used on health dogs in this study. The probiotic Enterococcus faecium SF68 was used on 36 dogs in a two week time span for the clinical trial. Liver function and total cholesterol and triglyceride concentration were also looked at while the probiotic was being administered. The dogs were examined and each one was psychically normal no examination findings and their blood, stool and urine were normal. Also ultrasounds were completed and they were also found to be normal.
Liver functions didn’t change when given the probiotic. Only one of the dogs showed a high lipid panel. A longer clinical study is needed to better assess the use of this strain of probiotic liver function of healthy dogs.
What are the symptoms of bad gut health in dogs?
Dogs need a healthy digestive system just like we do. They need it to thrive, function, eat, play, and understand and overall feel and be healthier. Without proper nutrition, their organs fail, become inflamed, infections can brew easily and they can develop an overall decline in health. Adding a probiotic supplement can only make them better, all the way to their coat.
Other than eating healthy and using a probiotic supplement, fiber can help improve digestion and stool move along well and maintain a healthier colon. They can get fiber from vegetables and fruits like apples. Talk to your vet about other options.
Know gut issues (disease and symptoms) for canines:
- Food sensitivities
- Allergies
- Parasite infections
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Pancreatitis
- Gallbladder disease
- Gastric ulcers
- Colitis
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
Using probiotics for your dog—Northern Cascades Safeguard probiotic powder
Giving your dog a probiotic a day can help improve their gut health, skin conditions, possibly allergies, brain health and immune system function. They can help improve the liver as they do have an impact on GI health and the liver, biliary function, and pancreas are a part of the digestive system—dogs do not have an appendix.
Our Safeguard dog probiotic powder is highly beneficial for overall health of your canine.
Our product contains:
- Has prebiotics to help the probiotics work better in the gut
- Contains 6 billion CFU of probiotics per serving
- Micronutrient power of Fulvic and Humic acids (improve overall health, skin and coat and immune system of your dog)
- Blueberries (are superior source for lowering inflammation, antioxidant power; vitamins, nutrients)
- Spirulina (vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants)
- Milk Thistle (helps protect from diarrhea and detoxes the liver)
- Fennel Seed
Your dog will feel better by consuming our probiotic powder daily. Think of it as another tool for their overall health by improving the digestive system.