Just like humans, pets can benefit from a healthy gut microbiome.
Maintaining a balanced gut flora is very important to ensure the health and well-being of our furry friends.
Probiotics are good microbes (bacteria or yeasts) that live in the digestive tract and help stop the growth and activity of bad bacteria such as salmonella.
But how do you know if your dog needs probiotics? What are the symptoms? In this post we tell you!
What are the signs that your dog needs probiotics?
It is recommended that you add some type of probiotics to your dog's diet in the following cases.
If your dog suffers from episodes of diarrhea, constipation or bloating. Especially when these symptoms are caused by stress.
Other signs that your dog needs probiotics are abdominal bloating; abdominal pain; intestinal gas; episodes of diarrhea; low immune defenses, etc.
In general, your dog needs probiotics when he needs to restore the balance of good and bad bacteria to work in harmony. They serve to reintroduce good bacteria to help eliminate excess bad bacteria and balance his body. Here are some examples.
Deficiency of defenses
If your dog has a deficit of defenses in his digestive system, during diseases of the digestive tract, where the intestines become inflamed and the microbiotic ecosystem is weakened.
Probiotics are ideal after antibiotic treatment, because some types of bacteria are eliminated and weakened.
Also, they are necessary in case your dog is having a dietary transition from one type of food to another.
Digestive problems
If your dog's intestinal flora fails or is altered due to digestive problems or intestinal diseases, you can reinforce your pet's intestinal bacteria with the help of probiotics.
As a result, more bad bacteria enter the intestine more easily.
When your dog is taking antibiotics, as such treatment can cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal side effects.
If your dog suffers from allergies
Probiotics have anti-inflammatory properties, and these help relieve skin allergy symptoms in dogs.
A study published in the journal Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, indicates that exposure to probiotics early in life can help reduce a dog's risk of atopic dermatitis.
If your dog suffers from high cholesterol levels
A study published in the journal Folia Microbiologica, shows that oral administration of probiotics can help reduce high serum cholesterol levels in healthy dogs, and dogs with gastrointestinal problems.
Benefits of using prebiotics in dog food
- They reinforce the quality of the intestinal bacterial flora
- They provide good bacteria to prevent the appearance of bad bacteria
- Facilitates nutrient absorption
- Improves digestion
- Reduces gas accumulation
- Prevents intestinal diseases
- Prevents constipation in dogs
- Improves stool quality
- Help prevent urinary tract infections
- Reduces allergic reactions
- Improve the dog's skin and coat
- Reduce chronic gastrointestinal abnormalities
- Support the immune system
- Alleviate mood and behavioral disorders
- Stool regulation
Prevent the onset of disease: by treating the intestinal flora, diseases that are related to the digestive system may be prevented.
Safe Guard Probiotic recommended by veterinarians
Safe guard is a natural probiotic that supports digestive health with 6 billion CFU. It is rich in antioxidants and ideal for the diet of healthy and not so healthy dogs, as it will provide antioxidants and help the immune system, has Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus subtilius strains.
It is made from soil that helps to strengthen the immune system and nourishes the beneficial bacteria.
It is highly recommended by veterinarians, just include the recommended dose in your puppy's daily diet and follow the instructions of a vet.
Safe Guard will help your dog's digestive system balance effectively, regardless of age, breed or size.
How long should a dog take probiotics?
Generally it is given as usual with food or separately, in a dose of approximately 1 tablespoon per 10 kg of weight daily or every 2 days.
And always starting with a small amount to observe how it feels, the best time to take a probiotic is usually the evening before bedtime.
However, it also depends on your dog's needs and symptoms so it is recommended that you follow the label instructions and your dog's veterinarian's recommendations for at least a month or two to determine what the maximum benefits might be.
Can Dogs Take Human Probiotics?
It is not recommended. The pH of dogs is more acidic, which means that human probiotics that have taken into account the pH of a person will not be able to pass to the same extent to the intestine of our dog, also have different strains and doses vary, so it will be difficult to provide the right amount.
However, natural probiotics used by humans such as yogurt, kefir and fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut contain live cultures that may benefit some dogs.
To avoid causing adverse reactions, start with a low dose so that your dog can get used to the food and remember that the probiotic is a food supplement and not a drug.